To the Realms Rising Community:

I want to bring your attention to something I have been working hard on. In an attempt to contribute to the Hero Realms Lua community, I have been working on a series of bite-sized lessons on how to use/contribute to the Lua content in the game. I am posting them on my site but I will be using this post to make a master index of the entire series. After posting a new lesson,  I will post the topic for the next one to allow people to ask me questions to have covered in the next one. Find me on the Realms Rising Discord server.

These lessons are my attempt to take the efforts/resources of other HR Lua creators, put them in one spot, and build on them by making Lua content even easier for people to get into. I will be sharing lots of links to resources you’ll want to have on hand.

First Things First

Whether you are interested in creating Lua content yourself or just want to know how you can play with it, you will want to read my first two introduction articles about what Lua is and how to go about making/playing with it.

The Lua Lesson Lexicon

Now on with the show! Here is a list of every Lua Lesson published or planned. The topics start with the easier topics in theory would progress in difficulty as they go. This will be true for my first round of lessons but I can’t promise the pattern will continue forever. If there is a link here, the article is posted, otherwise it is just the topic announcement.

You can follow them on my page or you can check back here and watch for new ones. I will announce the posts on the RR Discord Lua channel because you won’t get any notifications for a published post that has been edited.  Feel free to say hi or ask me any questions there!

I hope someone will benefit from my Lua Lessons. The HR community needs more Lua content creators!